Hideki Sugiguchi, who continues to be at the forefront of the industry as a motion actor and suit actor, asked Akihira Kawasaki, a Master of Japanese sword who has a sword dojo in Saitama Prefecture, to make a own Japanese sword... ! Akihira are said to have attained the highest level among swordsmith who have passed down Soshuden (one of the five legends of the propagation of swords) today. The master craftsman kindly agreed to release the swordmaking process, and the production of this video series started!
This video series is an unprecedented documentary about Sugiguchi's request to Akihira to produce a Japanese sword, and the process by which a block of iron is reborn into a beautifully sharpened Japanese sword, as well as Sugiguchi's performance using the finished sword.
第三回目は特別版その①として、晶平刀匠と杉口の座談会形式の映像をお送りします。杉口の 【日本刀をオーダーメイドで注文すると、具体的にどんなことをオーダーできるの?】 という疑問に、晶平刀匠が実際の作品を用いて分かり易く解説してくれます。皆さんはどんな事を注文出来るのか、ご存知ですか?日本刀自体のどこをどのように指定できるのか、拵(こしらえ)とは何か、どんな構成になっているのか、それらのどこからどこまでを、どのように注文できるのか・・。今回は杉口と晶平刀匠の打ち合わせに立ち会っているような感覚で、その疑問を解消してください。
In the third installment, we will release a video of a discussion stylebetween Akihira and Sugiguchi as Part ① of the Special Version.Sugiguchi's [If I make a custom-made Japanese sword, what can I specifically order? ], Akihira will explain in an easy-to-understand manner using the actual work.
Do you know what you can order? Where and how can Japanese swords be designated, what is 「拵 (Koshirae)」, what is its composition, where and how can they be ordered? This time, please clear your doubts as if you were attending a meeting between Akihira and Sugiguchi.
杉口秀樹 ( Hideki Sugiguchi ): 株式会社モーションアクター代表。
「SUG-AFTRA stunt performer」。日本XMA界の第一人者。モーションアクター歴20年のベテラン。
CEO of Motion Actor Co, Ltd. 「SUG-AFTRA stunt performer」。He is a leading figure in the Japanese XMA world. He is a 20-year veteran of motion actors. With his amazing physical abilities, he has appeared in many domestic and international productions including Hollywood. Please check the link below for the works!
【株式会社モーションアクター (Motion Actor Co, Ltd.)】 https://motionactor.co.jp/
【Twitter (@jagar001)】 https://twitter.com/jagar001
川﨑晶平(Akihira Kawasaki):刀鍛冶。
He is reputed as one of the Master of Japanese Sword who has reached the highest level among the swordsmiths who pass on the Soshuden (one of the Five Legends of Sword Propagation).
【晶平鍛刀道場 (Akihira Tantou Dojo)】 https://www.akihirakatana.com/
Please enjoy Sugiguchi's simple questions and Shohei's clear and easy-to-understand explanations!
00:20 打ち合わせの開始 start meeting
01:01 「刀の姿」について検討します Considering the "shape of the sword".
03:47 鎺(Habaki)
04:33 杉口が好む長さは? What length does Sugiguchi prefer?
05:11 樋(Hi)
07:00 拵(Koshirae)・白鞘(Shirasaya)
09:30 柄(Tsuka)
10:56 鍔(Tsuba)
12:53 縁(Fuchi)
13:26 目貫(Menuki)
16:21 拵を分解します。 Steps to disassemble Koshirae.
16:57 つなぎ(Tsunagi)
"Tunagi" is made in the same shape as a Japanese sword in a scabbard.
17:08 切羽(Seppa)
“Seppa” has a role of cushioning material and is put between “Tsuba” and “Habaki”.
17:43 縁(Fuchi)
18:50 刀身に拵を着せます。
Step to attach a Koshirae to the Japanese Sword.
put a sword in the Scabbard -> Seppa -> Tsuba -> Seppa -> pulling out of the scabbard ->
Tsuka -> Mekugi -> put it in the Scabbard.
22:09 今度は拵を外します。
Next, remove the Sword from Koshirae. First, take off Tsuka from Nakago
22:58 茎の手入れについて。 How to care for Nakago.
24:20 白鞘へ納める前には刀身のお手入れを忘れずに。
Please care the Sword before putting it into the Shirasaya.
24:45 打粉の正体、打粉を使う目的、打粉を使うデメリットについて。
About the identity of Uchiko, the purpose of using Uchiko, and the disadvantages of using Uchiko.
26:34 お手入れ専用の布の使い方。
How to use a cloth dedicated to the care of Japanese swords.
27:02 刀を白鞘へ戻します。
return the sword to the Shirasaya.
28:12 つなぎを拵に納めます。
store Tsunagi in Koshirae.
29:12 返角(Kaerizuno)
29:30 栗形(Kurigata)
End telop:
Sugiguchi decided to consider the details of the order based on Akihira's advice.
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